Empty Promises

Empty Promises

A Danish artist who was given a pile of cash by a museum in northern Denmark to create a piece for its exhibition on labor conditions two years ago submitted two empty canvases — titled “Take the Money and Run.” The exhibit caused a stir.

A Danish court ruled last week that Jens Haaning has to repay 492,549 kroner ($69,894) to Kunsten Museum in Aalborg for having violated his contract. His lawyer, Peter Schønning, said Wednesday that the contemporary artist is appealing the ruling and declined further comment.

The museum had commissioned Haaning in 2021 to recreate two of his earlier pieces featuring bank notes attached to canvases representing the average annual wage in Denmark and Austria.

When Haaning refused to return the cash after the exhibition ended, the museum took legal action.

Haaning has denied having committed a crime and insists he did produce a work of art.

-By Jan M. Olsen 9/27/2023 via APNews.com

The account above illustrates a real fear that many have when it comes to faith- “What if I invest in something, and in the end it’s nothing? What if I sacrifice pleasure and it turns out it, God isn’t real and there was no need to forego the fun?” Paul sympathized with that thought with the Corinthian church as he told them that “if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor. 15:19). He goes on to tell them that “Christ is risen from the dead” that he might raise us up in Him!

There were hundreds of witnesses of Jesus in His resurrected body. Dozens went to their deaths rather than renounce the truth of what they saw and experienced. We count time by Him. He is alive. He is not trying to rob you, but will pour blessings worth fortunes on those who are waiting for His coming. 

I Love You,


Jonathan Long