A Three Ring Circus

Marriage: A Three Ring Circus

I’ve always said that marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.” “Being from the South means knowing that every onion you cut is gonna make your eyes water, but you do it anyway because the end result is so dang delicious.”

-Jerry Clower

I’ve never seen someone cut onions for fun. Just pile up a sack of Vidalia's and go to mincing because it’s just so much fun, but nobody questions why anyone would cut an onion. We are certain they are doing something unpleasant now, because they are preparing for a delicious future.

Great marriages are never found, they are always built. Unfortunately, the trend has become to quit when the marriage starts to burn the eyes, destroying homes and causing many to doubt if there’s any utility in monogamous marriage.  God created marriage to bless the participants and anyone who comes in contact with them. We have to work through difficulties and do the proper prep-work if we are expecting a blessed life. If you are in a marriage, do the hard work, cut the onions and enjoy the fruit of your blessed marriage.

 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  (Gal. 6:9).


I Love You,


Jonathan Long


Jonathan Long